1. The United States of America

country is the largest economy today and has the strongest army as well
as a very powerful democracy. It is also said to be a superpower and
its media is very influential as well. It has built itself and its power
ever since it gained independence and is only getting more powerful.
The country controls international relations and is a part of a number
of influential bodies.
2. Russian Federation

Russian Federation has the second most powerful army and controls a
number of states in the Central Asian area. It has a very large
population and immense world area. These factors allow it to stay
independent and prevent external forces from meddling in the political,
economic and financial issues of the country. Because of its size,
Russia has the resources to become a superpower.
3. Peoples Republic of China

is considered as the second most powerful and most influential country
of the world. This country performed well and remained well when there
was strong economic downturn across the globe. This country has highest
population around the world and the same time this country also covers
third largest land area in the world. The former two presidents of this
country were considered as the most powerful persons. The China is also
considered as the largest exporter of different things. Almost all
countries of the world import different things from China. This country
has offered subsidized electricity to industrial zones across the whole
country. This thing has contributed well in the exports of the country.
In terms of military, this country has the largest army and is a nuclear
power with many inter-continental ballistic missiles in its stock. As
far as the economic condition of this country is concerned, the
manufacturing sector has given an edge to China with its inward FDI of
$100 billion and outward FDI around $65 billion. This country is also
considered as world leader in terms of technology. The super computers
of this country are considered as the world’s most powerful super
computers. The population of this country is considered as the most
active population around the world.
4. France

ranks 4th by both military spending and nominal GDP, and takes the
twenty-first slot for population. Still, France is an influential nation
with a high standard of living and strong involvement in international
5. Britain

is also member of the UN Security Council. Britain also have powerful
nuclear weapons. The democracy of Britain is considered to be the most
stable. Economy and as a leading country in areas like music, films and
media, the country has immense influence when it comes to world
6. Islamic Republic of Pakistan

has a very large Muslim population and powerful nuclear weapons. It is a
united country but since it is ruled by military dictatorship, it has
not become truly powerful. Pakistan is having all types of natural
resources. Their biggest problem is that they don’t have poetical from
the beginning. If Pakistan find a way to balance its political standing,
it will be able to become more powerful.
7. Japan

is similar to Germany, but with 1.5x its population, several times its
problems (e.g. even more rapidly aging population; 220%-of-GDP debt) and
without Germany’s key advantage (a continental market). It is
militarily weak and utterly reliant on food, fuel and mineral imports,
many of which pass through waters over which China claims preeminence.
Though one of the most technologically advanced nations on Earth, it
faces an uncertain future as the US wanes and China’s rise eclipses it.
But like Germany, it’s theoretically capable of rapid transformation
into a leading military power. CNP – 30.
8. Federal Republic of Germany

of the political powers in Europe, Germany makes it to the first half
of the list. It prides itself as the home of Albert Einstein and other
world renowned scientists with 103 German winning the Nobel Prize since
it started in 1901. This makes Germany as the technological leader in
Europe and the world in many technological and scientific fields. It is
the second largest exporter of goods and its gross domestic product
(GDP) is the fourth largest in the world.
9. Republic of India

in economic optimism, India could now be considered a
newly-industrialized country. Though it continues to be haunted by
issues on poverty, health and sanitation, illiteracy and corruption, its
nominal GDP is the ninth largest in the world and its major economy is
one of the fastest growing. The overwhelming labor force in India is the
second largest in the world contributing to half of its Gross Domestic
Product. With over 1.6 million troops, India is the world’s third
largest and it is also the world’s largest arms importer.
10. Republic of Brazil

its ample lands and resources, not to mention its successes with sugar
cane-derived ethanol, Brazil is set to enjoy – much like Russia – a
comfortable existence as a regional hegemon in a world of rising demand
for food, energy and minerals. (Though its military is much weaker than
Russia’s, it doesn’t need to be particularly strong given Brazil’s
geographical isolation). It is also playing an increasingly visible
global role, together with countries like Turkey and South Africa, as a
representative of “The Rest” (as distinct from “The West”). But its
future prospects for true superpowerdom are constrained by its low
educational human capital. CNP – 20.
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